I’m Jill Rogers - a graphic designer, post production photo editor, water-colorist & native Alabamian. I am currently the Art Director for a nationwide portrait and album company where I create amazing albums and promo shot edits for first responders all over the country.
Who I’ve worked with:
Heritage Portraits & Albums is the most creatively rewarding position I have ever held. I love what I do. Currently, I am responsible for all yearbook designs for Public Safety Organizations, all email marketing campaigns, all digital album production & delivery, all Heritage Marketing material design and various other tasks upon request (including premium photo editing).
I work with wonderful people all over the country. It is a pleasure and honor to serve our first responders.
Triplett Paint sought me out to completely overhaul their look and market their unique abilities. I provided complete logo re-design, email & social media marketing services, branding in all areas, & photography services.
MeWash was a high-end mobile car wash and detailing company in the southeastern United States. MeWash boasted the slogan “Your phone can now wash your car!”
I provided icon development for the website, website concept, marketing designs and app testing services for MeWash. Unfortunately, MeWash was a casualty of COVID-19.
Ohatchee Airsoft Field in Northeast Alabama was referred to me by someone I dearly love and respect. My responsibility was to design them an amazing website to engage customers to play airsoft games. This is a growning succes. Check it out! www.ohatcheeairsoft.com
Friday Night Network was referred to me by a friend a few years ago. These guys are always a pleasure to work with. FNN provides coverage of high school football games in Northeast Alabama throughout the football season. I always enjoy designing programs for them centered around high school football teams and their most talented players. So thankful to Jim Jacobs for taking a chance on me!
The most difficult person I have ever worked with is … myself. It has literally taken me YEARS to come up with a logo that represents me.